How to ride an electric bike safely?

Commuting on an electric bike is awesome! You can carry more without breaking a sweat, go faster than on a traditional bike without having to expend as much energy, and you don’t even have to worry about traffic or parking. Plus, you’re getting some exercise outdoors while you ride. Just like with a traditional bike, knowing how to use an e-bike safely can make the whole experience more fun and rewarding.

Tips for safe riding of electric bicycles

1. Start slow - It may be tempting to immediately crank your e-bike up to the fastest speed you can set it to, but we recommend taking your time and starting with a low power setting for your first few rides. We also recommend riding in a large, empty parking lot or on a closed road until you are familiar with the e-bike.

2. Brake sooner - The greater power, higher speed and heavier frame mean you need to start slowing your e-bike down earlier than on a regular bike.

3. Brake gently and smoothly - Almost all e-bikes have disc brakes, which means you can brake more effectively in any situation. As you get used to your new bike and brakes, be sure to always apply braking force gradually and with gentle movements, pulling both brake levers evenly.

4. Ride with extra care - E-bikes look just like regular bikes, so people may not expect you to ride at speeds that are allowed on an e-bike. This means you should be extra careful and more aware of your surroundings when riding.

5. Obey the rules - Your new e-bike will give you greater freedom and fun, but it is still your responsibility to know and obey all the rules of the road, roads and trails in your area. E-bikes have many advantages, so why not try them out and show the joy of riding. No one likes a reckless rider, especially when riding an e-bike.

Of course, no matter how far you go, be sure to wear a high-quality helmet before each ride!

Know your route

The beauty of e-bike commuting is that you can take a slightly longer but safer route (or a more scenic one!) and still arrive on time. It's best to plan your route in advance, maybe even ride it once on a weekend or day off to time how long it takes and whether you like it.

Use an online mapping service to research your route, and consider getting a handlebar mount for your phone or GPS if you need turn-by-turn directions.

Optimize your e-bike range

The range of your e-bike per charge depends on your battery, motor, and level of assistance. Factors like wind, weather, temperature, and grade also have a huge impact, but you can't change that! So, try these tips to get the most out of it:

1.Find a comfortable cadence
The slower your feet rotate, the harder the motor works. Shift gears gradually to find an efficient balance so you don’t overload yourself or the motor.

2.Lighten your load
One of the advantages of an e-bike is that you can carry more stuff. The downside is that the more you carry, the harder the motor works. Be mindful of how much weight you carry.

3.Use a lower level of assist
The higher the power mode, the less range you have. Try using higher levels of assist on hills and lower levels on flat ground.

Getting noticed improves safety

Regardless of when and where you ride, drivers (and other cyclists and pedestrians) don't always notice cyclists. Especially during rush hour, when it's easy to be distracted. The good news is there are proven ways to make yourself visible.

1.Always turn on your lights
During the day, use front and rear daytime running lights, which have special flashing patterns that help others notice you from a distance. At night, use a bright headlight in addition to flashing headlights and taillights to illuminate the road ahead.

2.Wear high-visibility clothing
Fluorescent clothing can attract attention and increase a cyclist's visibility during the day. Avoid wearing all dark clothing!

3.Wear reflective clothing
Clothing with reflective elements plays an important role in being seen in low-light and nighttime conditions.

4.Use the bell
Ringing your bell can help alert pedestrians and other cyclists to your presence, especially when passing them.

Learn how to pack for your trip

You've heard the saying – it's best to be prepared! We'll explain what you should bring for every ride and how to pack strategically.

Here's the short list:

1) Front and rear lights – always have them on, even during the day!

2)Tool kit to prevent punctures

3) Water and food

4) Warm clothes and raincoat

5) Cell phone and cash

With an e-bike, you'll also want to make sure the battery is fully charged before you hit the trails. You may even want to bring a charger if you're not familiar with the trails and don't know how long or far you'll be riding. And of course, don't forget to wear a good helmet. You can prepare a cycling bag like the one below, in which all your equipment can be put, which is very convenient.

Lock your e-bike properly

While you can park your e-bike almost anywhere you can park a regular bike, it's important to make sure you park it securely and lock it.

1.Invest in a good lock
Even if your e-bike comes with a lock, consider purchasing a second one to keep your personal property safe. Make sure you choose a quality lock that can't be easily cut by a thief. Lock your bike to a permanent fixture and, if possible, use a cable lock to secure the wheels and any quick-release parts (like the saddle).

2.Be mindful of where you park it
Like any other bike, even if you lock it properly, you can still be a target for theft. This is especially true when parking overnight, as late-night vandalism is common. It's best to park your e-bike in a well-lit area where other bikes are parked.

3.Take the battery with you
If you can easily remove the battery from the frame, it's best to take it with you. If you're just stopping by the store, it's probably OK to leave it on, but if you're leaving it for a few hours while you work or leaving it out all day, we recommend taking the battery with you. The battery is the most expensive part of an electric bike.

Keep these tips for safe e-bike riding in mind and you'll have a pleasant and safe riding experience.



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